Friday, August 10, 2012

Hammer Point Activism

It is pretty standard for someone who is new to something great to become overwhelmingly pushy about it. Or, when they've done it for a number of years, that some people are still so focused on that ideal and not easy to deal with. I'm sure that my friends and family will say that this is just what I've become. Well, perhaps.

My sister, a great humanitarian, is this way about the plight of the poor in Mexico. She will fight tooth and nail to change your mind about the border area between Mexico and the US, and the hard working people living there. She will dispute any and all of the wrong and hateful ideas spread about the Mexican Illegal Immigrants in this country. I cannot deny that she is right. I wouldn't even try.

The one thing Darcy has done, is to be ground into a cause that makes her shine. She moves and breathes the beauty of the people, and forwards their right to work, and to be treated fairly. And I support her wholly. Who are they but reflections of ourselves? If our country were in the plight of Mexico, with no government to speak of, no laws, no safety for the people who would speak out, would we be any different? I'm sure I'd leave this place, and search for a way to make my family's lives more comfortable, with an income that would support them in an emergency, or just daily. We have it very, very, good here.

Now I have a cause, that supports the movement to end suffering of animals, that ultimately would be enabling food to be distributed to countries that could use it, and lessen the pollution of our rivers, air, and land.

My goal is no less than hers. My goal, though, is not to attack anyone who eats meat, but to ask everyone to take one or two days per week, and eat none. No meat for two days will ultimately save thousands of animals per year. The more we save, the less are bred. The less there is demand, the fewer animals go to slaughter. And the more farmers who grow corn for feed, will sell it to the nations whose people are starving. That is a win-win all around, I must say.

If you found out your neighbor was slinging the dog around his head by one leg, you would do everything you could to stop him. I am doing the same thing. My tach is to take it to the kitchen. Try black beans and rice, with cumin, salt, cayenne, corn, onions, and cilantro, and avocado, in a tomato wrap and salsa. Or tahini garlic sauce on your baked squash. Or the thousands of recipes that make me drool, but do not contain meat.

That is my cause. It is not to attack, no more than my sister would attack anyone who besmears Mexicans. It is to plead with everyone to help so many causes, by doing one thing. If you eat meat, that is on you. It is your issue, and between you and your conscience. But you help animals by taking the simple, fabulous step of going meat free two days per week. Would you do that? Two days, every week?

This doesn't even address the benefit to your diet. Ha! Of course you will lose weight, you are doing everything different! No meat, milk, eggs, you can't help but lose weight over time, more so than any other diet. I'd be willing to put money on that one. (no I wouldn't, I have none to wager, but if I did...)

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